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First Act. Where it all began
Chapter 1. First Arrival
- Click on Xandria and choose option "Distract Xandria"
- Click on the clothes lying on the floor
- Click on the pensieve
- Pick up the broom sticking out of the rock
- Click on the sign “Hogsmeade”
- Click on the castle behind the lake
- Go to the front entrance
- In the the dialogue with Hagrid choose any option 2 times and then choose "i found something you might be interested in" on the 3rd time
- Click on the gates
- Drag the owl from inventory on the noticeboard
- Click on the owl and choose option "work!"
- Click on the gates again and in the dialogue with Nola choose any option
- Click on the noticeboard and take 4 papers
- Open the map, visit all 4 faculties and choose any options in the dialogues.
- Click on Hogwarts and go to headmaster's office at the top of the biggest tower
- Choose any options in the dialogue with Dumbledore
- Click on Hogwarts and go to the office again
- Choose any options in the dialogue with Minerva
- Click on the pensieve
Chapter 2. And so it begins...
- Click on Petrius
- Click on the desk and try to write any decree
- Click on the bookshelf -> Shelf with documents -> Letter addressed to Dumbledore
- Choose any options in the the dialogue with Snape
- Summon Minerva and read appeared letter
- Wait for Minerva's visit and choose any options in the dialogue with her
- Click on the cupboard and choose "search"
- Drag the canvas and the basket from the cupboard to the inventory
- Click on the fireplace to light it and drag the canvas and basket from inventory on it
- Choose any options in the dialogue with Sally
- In the dialogue with Minerva choose "i'm not really feeling too well" -> "Minerva, listen" -> "Very well"
- Click on the main corridor on the map
- Click on the doors of the class 609
- Choose any options in the dialogue with girls
- Drag the alcohol from the cupboard to the inventory
- Close the curtains, drag the bottles on the desk and choose any options in the dialogues
- Drag the ethanol from inventory on the desk and choose any spells in the duel with Snape
- Choose any options in the dialogue with Sorting Hat
Chapter 3. The Prefect's problems
Shape up:
- Summon Snape and talk
- Click on the desk and train all 4 stats to level 1
- Take "wizard's health" from the cupboard
- Drag the statue from the cupboard to the inventory
- Drag the statue on the desk and solve the puzzle
- Choose any options in the dialogues with the girls and Snape
House-elf delivery service:
- Advance "shape up" to the dialogue with Dobby and wait for the magazine to arrive
- Summon Dobby, ask what he brought you and choose any girl
- Wait for the magazine and girl's textbook to arrive
- Close the curtains and drag adult magazine on the desk
Extremely diligent student:
- Drag "happy hunks" on the desk to tear out a centrefold
- Drag girl's textbook on the desk to combine it with "happy hunks" centrefold
- Summon Dobby and ask to return the textbook
- Advance "house-elf delivery service"
- Wait for girl's visit
Get on good terms with prefects:
- Read the papers of all 4 girls by clicking on the desk
- Summon Snape, invite to drink and discuss the papers and alternative exit
- Drag the nuts from inventory on the phoenix
- Close the curtains and drag the photo on the desk
- Throw floo powder into lit fireplace
- Wait for night and drag the pills on bedroom door
- Summon Helena and ask about reference photo
- Summon Helena again and tell her you're ready
- Wait for all 4 girls' visits and talk to them
- Summon all 4 girls and discuss papers, house support and meetings
- Discuss prefects' problems with Sally
- Read the papers of all 4 girls and VOIS codex on the bookshelf
- Read all the papers for the last time
- Ask the Hat about all 4 girls
- Summon all 4 girls and discuss the papers
Misplaced packages:
- Click on all the boxes on the floor
- Put the underwear into the cupboard
- Summon Minerva to ask to remove the boxes
- Wait for a visitor
Risky student:
- Wait for Sally to say about weird noises on thursday morning
- Check the door keyhole during night
- Wait for wednesday night and check the keyhole again
- Repeat it 2 more times
Chapter 4. The Prefects Concilium
Find a way to exit the office:
- Raise all the stats to 6
- Try to leave the office and get rid of Nola by any means
Get on good terms with the prefects:
- Summon all the prefects and ask about their problems
- Discuss the situation with Sally
- Sumon Minerva. Ask what she knows and apologise for embarassing her in front of the students
- Wait for the night, send Sally to find the girls in the castle and wait for his return
- Fly out of the window with the broom at night
- Go to the abandoned wing and try to get into Filch's office
- Click on the box with the cat food and give a can to the cat
- Talk to Filch two times about the broom
- Get back to the abandoned wing on the next day and find the hooligans
- Get out of the toilet and take the new broom from Filch
- Fly out of the window with the new broom at 22:00
- Choose the faculty (the girl from this faculty won't be presented in act 2)
- Discuss the situation with Sally
- Fly to the prefects' bathroom on the next night
- Discuss the situation with Sally again
- Summon the girl from previously chosen faculty
- Discuss the situation with Sally once again
- Summon Minerva and ask her about visiting the dorms
- Wait for Minerva's visit on the next morning. Go to any faculty and take a swimsuit from the rope
- Summon the elf and ask him to bring the other swimsuits
- Wait for the elf to return and get the new swimsuits from the Hat
- Summon the elf again and ask him to bring the swimsuits back
- Fly to the prefects' bathroom at 22:00
- Summon Snape and ask him for help
- Click on the desk and write a decree
- Summon Snape and give him the decree
- Summon all the prefects and tell them about their new duties
Break the VOIS protection charms:
- Summon Helena and ask about the charms
- Go to bedroom during day and solve the puzzle
- Drag the elder wand on the desk to break the charms
- Summon your waifu (the girl chosen in the previous chapter) and test the charms
Abandoned toilet's mystery:
- Wiat for events to unfold
- Go to the main corridor on the weekday at 10:00 and talk to students
- Go the classroom 609 during lessons and talk to Flitwick
- Go the the toilet in abandoned wing and talk to Myrtle
Luna's ordinary day:
- Go to the front entrance and chech the papers on the njoticeboard
- Collect Luna's stuff:
- T-shirt on the window at the front entrance
- Book at the main corridor under Gwennog Johns' portrait
- Sneakers at the classroom 609
- Bra on the fence near the lake
- Panties on the flower at the entrance to the Gryffindor faculty
- Summon Luna and return the stuff
Chapter 5. Reveal What's Hidden
Reveal What's Hidden:
- Summon 4 girls and discuss the incident with Creevey
- Go to the front entrance and grab the Boni Bonka catalogue from the noticeboard
- Summon the elf and give him the catalogue
- Buy the flowers from the catalogue and wait for the delivery
- If your waifu is Daphne, wait for a letter from her
- If your waifu is not Daphne, write a letter to your waifu to invite her on a date
- Talk about the received information with Sally
- Summon Snape to discuss the situation and wait for his response letter
- If your Waifu is Luna, go to the potions classroom and take the seaweed
- Use the seaweed on the office table and then summon Luna to discuss the seaweed
- If your waifu is not Luna, summon your waifu for a personal meeting
- Go to Hagrid's hut and buy the "Sexecution" catalogue
- Give the catalogue to the elf and buy a tail from the catalogue
- Wait for the package to arrive and summon Minerva
Back to the future:
- Summon Helena to ask about the diadem
- Go to the abandoned wing and talk to the Moaning Myrthle
- Ask Sally to talk with the other portraits
- Summon Helena and discuss the situation
- Talk to Sally
- Go to the secondary corridor during classes and choose "Juicy melons"
A man and his drake:
- Take the seeds from the cupboard
- Click on the pot in bedroom
- Summon Hermione and ask about plants
- Summon Bobby and buy soil
- Wait for soil to arrive
- Take a bottle from the cupboard and drag it on the desk to fill it
- Drag the soil on the pot in bedroom and add seeds
- Drag the bottle on the pot to water the plant
- Wait 3 days and water it once more
- Summon snape and ask about the potion
- Wait for the potion to arrive and use it on the plant
A man and his drake part 2:
- Raise intellect to maximum
- Go to the slytherin tower and cast a spell on Alexa
- Plant a young mandrake into the pot and water it each second day
- Wait for Luna's visit and plant an adult mandrake into the pot
- Click on the madrake
Everything is possible if you got enough nerve:
- Buy catcher's mitt from Filch
- Wait for Ginny's visit and offer assistance
- Close the window, summon Ginny officially, release the snitch and catch it
- Summon Ginny unofficially and choose "let me hear it" >
- Summon Minerva unofficially 3 nights in a row to convince her to help you with Ginny
- Go to gryffindor dorm and take Ginny's diary from the bear on the bed
- Try to read the diary
- Discuss the charms with Snape, Amelia or Helena
- Summon Ginny unofficially and use legilimency to get diary code
- Enter a code into the diary and read it
- Go to gryffindor dorm and put the diary back into the bear
- Summon Ginny unofficially and talk with her
- Order "Flying Flaun" from Boni Bonka and send it to Ginny unofficially
- Wait for Ginny's visit and talk with her
- Summon Ginny unofficially and wait for her visit on wednesday
- Go to main corridor and show the catcher's mitt to the portrait of Gwenog Jones
- Send the catcher's mitt to Ginny unofficially and wait for her visit
- Summon her 4 more times for the scene under the table, and each time take off more clothes
- Summon her for the 5th time and turn on the "influence" ability to convince her to undress completely
Chapter 6. Blackmail and Subterfuge
Blackmail and Subterfuge:
- Discuss the plan with Sally
- Go to Hagrid's hut and choose "try to talk with Creevey"
- Go to the slytherin tower and talk to Creevey
- Talk to Sally
- Summon Snape and wait for his response letter
- Go to the potions classroom and make important choice
- Tell Sally about the plan
- Wait for Hermione's visit
Agree with the plan
I won't do this
- Go to the potions classroom and give the curl to Snape
- Wait for Snape's visit
- Use the first potion at 14:00 and go to Hagrid's hut
- Go to the abandoned wing and talk to Creevey
- Drink the second polyjuice potion
- Go to Hagrid's hut
- Read the letter from ministry
Mysterious fan:
- Raise any stat to 3
- Click on vampire on the window at 22:00
- Wait for the note to appear under the door
- Summon snape and talk about alternative exit
- use apparition potion at 22:00 and go to the lake
Size doesn't matter:
- Click on the cage in the bedroom
- Discuss the cage with Sally
- Summon Luna and ask about pixies
- Summon Snape and talk about alternative exit to get apparition potion
- Use apparition potion at night and go to the front entrance
- Drag the cage from inventory on pixies
- Put the cage in its pace in the bedroom
- Click on the cage to take a closer look at pixies
- Wait 3 days and check pixies again
- Summon Dobby and buy a sedative for pixies
- Wait for the package to arrive
- Drag the sadeative on the cage
- Check pixies one more time
Second Act. Labyrinths of the past
Calm Before the Storm:
- Summon Snape or Minerva for an evening visit
- Summon all 4 girls and discuss their findings
- Summon Helena and choose "look for the girl around Hogwarts"
- Go to the front entrance on weekend or weekday during break and talk to the girl
- Wait for Snape's visit
- Wait for a package to arrive and open it
Chapter 1. A look from the inside
- Go to Snape's potion classroom and discuss the plan
Just give me the recipe
I'll prove my skills
- Go to the lake and collect the leeches
- Go to Hagrid's hut and collect lacewings
- Go to the forbidden forrest, grab knotgrass, a horn of a bicorn and talk to a stranger girl choosing any options
- Go to the secondary corridor and talk to Andromeda's portrait
- Wait for 21:00, go to the potions classroom and brew the polyjuice potion:
- 1. Add fluxweed
- 2. Add knotgrass
- 3. Wave wand 2 times
- 4. Turn the fire off for 360 seconds
- 5. Add leeches
- 6. Add lacewing tincture
- 7. Stir clockwise 3 times
- 8. Set fire to medium for 30 seconds
- 9. Wave the wand once
- 10. Add boomslang hide
- 11. Add bicorn's horn powder
- 12. Stir counterclockwise once
- 13. Set the fire to high for 20 seconds
- 14. Wave the wand once
- 15. Turn the fire off for 138 seconds
- 16. Stir clockwise 3 times
- 17. Add waifu's hair
- 18. Wave the wand once
- Go back to the office, drink the polyjuice potion and make a detour to the bedroom
- After arriving to Gryffindor dorms, choose the correct answers in the dialogue with parvati:
- Actually, I shouldn't be telling you this
- Madame Pince gave me access to the restricted section
- I was so engrossed that I didn't notice the time had passed
- And when I realized I'd been gone a long time, I got scared
- So I hurried back right away so no one would start to worry
- Choose "Pull yourself together" during Flitwick's lesson
- Write down all the entries into the diary in any order
- After returning to the bedroom click on any interactive elements to find the diary
- Choose "rub the nub" and go to the next lesson
- Write down all the entries into the diary again
- Choose any prefect to go with
- After returning to headmaster's office, choose the right path through the castle to not get caught:
- Library -> Potions classroom corridor -> Gryffindor dorms
- On the next morning, agree with the girls during an argument
- Click on any element in the bedroom to find a strange feather, and then click on 2 more elements
- During the next Flitwick's lesson, write down all the entries into the diary once again
- In the next Helena's lesson choose to respond to the note and go talk to the portraits
- After talking to the portraits go to the library
- On the next evening visit of headmaster's office choose the right path again:
- "Potions classroom corridor -> library -> Great hall -> Gryffindor dorms"
- During the next Minerva's lesson, write down all the entries into the diary again
- After breakfast in the great hall choose to go to class
- During the divination class choose to tell about the map and then visit Myrtle
- In the library click on a purple book on the bookshelf and read about gray rounded feather
- After date with Ron choose any girl to visit
- In headmaster's office choose any options in the dialogue with the elf-maid, and then choose the right path once again:
- "Great hall -> Corridor by classroom 609 -> Potions classroom corridor -> Gryffindor dorms"
- During the next Flitwick's lesson, write down all the entries into the diary again
- After dinner in the great hall choose to warn others by sending a note
Chapter 2
- Visit Main hall, secondary hall, front entrance and abandoned wing to find all the graffiti
- Talk to Filch
- Wait for Luna's visit
- Wait for events to unfold
- Use the broom at night to fly to the front entrance and choose to follow the guy
- Wait for Mimsy's visit and fly to the front entrance at night again
- Wait for Mimsy again and summon Snape to discuss the situation
- Go to Hufflepuff common room to talk with Helga Hufflepuff
- Visit Hufflepuff faculty entrance on weekday during break to talk to Hannah
- Discuss the results with Sally and choose to confront Zabini
- Fly to Hufflepuff faculty entrance at night and talk to Hannah
- Summon Snape again and show him the necklace
- Once again fly to Hufflepuff faculty entrance at night and talk to Hannah
Chapter 1. Mind Games (old version)
Confront Snape:
- Summon Snape and talk
- Ask Sally what he thinks about Snape
- Try to go to potions classroom in the secondary corridor
- Talk to Sally
- Go to abandoned wing and buy a boot from Filch
- Drag the boot on Marcus at 22:00
- Go to the secondary corridor and talk to Andromeda
- Talk to her again on the next day
- Talk to her for the last time at 13:00 on workday
- Return to main corridor and wait for events to unfold
- Go to the potions classroom and click on the cupboard
- Swap labels on the bottles. Wiggenweld potion: any order. Frog poison: {3 5 4 6 7 8}
- Summon Snape on the next day and ask for help
- Wait for his return and drink a potion.
Confront Minerva:
- Summon Minerva and discuss the latest events
- Ask Sally what he thinks about Minerva
- Go to any faculty dorm and check the bathroom
- Go to the library and talk to Irma to get the book
- Drag the book on the library desk to read it
- Summon Minerva, talk, and choose any faculty
- Go to the chosen faculty on the next workday at 11:00
- Inspect Minerva's clothes on the bed in any order and leave the bedroom.
Fix the Elder Wand:
- Ask Sally what he thinks about the wand
- Click on the bookshelf -> "Mustering Magic to Repair All That's Broken"
- Drag the wand on the desk
- Go to the library and talk to Irma
- Click on the bookshelves and choose "try to go through all the shelves" 3 times
- Drag the wand on the office bed to hide it.
Fashion Riot:
- Wait for events to unfold
- Summon all 3 commissars and discuss school unifom
- Search the bookshelf in the office
- Go to the office bedroom and click on the papers under the bed
- Summon Hermione\Daphne and discuss new uniform
- Wait for studying hours on workday and go to the class to talk to Flitwick
- Go back to the office, click on the desk and write a letter to the tailor
- Wait for the package from him and invite girls for fitting
- Summon Hermione\Daphne on the next day and ask for uniform report
Helena's memento:
- Discuss the situation with Sally
- Summon Minerva and ask about Helena's items
- Talk to Filch in abandoned wing
- Go to the library and talk to Irma: "ask about the books" -> "ask about her favourite book" -> "make the book fly away"
- Click on Irma's desk
- Give Irma's feather to Filch
- Drag Helena's portrait on Sally.
Where is my Waifu?:
- Ask Sally for help and choose any lesson to spy on
- Take the wand from the bed
- Go to the classroom 609 during next break
- Talk to all 3 portraits and drag the wand on any of them
- Ask sally to spy on any lesson again
- Summon Snape, ask for help and pay him
- Wait for his visit on the next day
- Drag Snape's items on Sally: "potion" -> "brush" -> "bucket" -> "brush" -> "potion" -> "brush"
- Ask Sally to spy on any lesson for the last time.
Inappropriate behaviour:
- Wait for letter and events to unfold
- Visit both school corridors on workday 14:00 and talk to all the students there
- Wait for break and go to the class to talk to Larry
- Go to the front entrance to find a couple in love
- Go back to the class and talk to Larry again
- On the next day, visit the class one more time and talk to Larry for the last time
- Go back to the office, click on the desk and write a letter to the couple
- Wait for Luna's visit and talk (if she is waifu, this step will not be taken)
- Wait for 22:00 and go to the front entrance by using apparition potion
Betting with Snape:
- Talk to Sally (if you haven't done it before for "Finding the "victim")
- Summon Snape and discuss potions
- Summon Minerva and talk
- Discuss the plan with Sally
- Go to the front entrance and click on the students on the bench 3 times
- take the journal from the bench
- Drag the journal on the desk to read it
- Summon Snape and offer a challenge
- Summon Snape and make him "blowjob" cocktail.
Mermaid's treasure:
- Click on the carriage on the map to get to the lake location
- Click on the bubbles in the water 3 times
- Click on the mermaid
- I am not from here > naturalist > ask for shells > that's why i want these shells > i want the shells > lie > make a deal > go back on a deal
- Summon Snape and show him what you have
- Summon Minerva on workday and show her what you have
- On the following workdays, call Minerva 4 more times and discuss experiments
Finding the "victim":
- Talk to Sally (if you haven't done it before for "Betting with Snape")
- Go to main corridor and click on each prefect 3 times
- Summon Minerva and discuss students
- Summon chosen girl and discuss the exam
- Wait for girl's visit and help her to pass the Exam
- Wait for girl's visit one more time.
Something to stupefy with!:
- Discuss Snape's potion with Sally
- Talk to Irma in the library
- Summon Hermione and ask for the book (if she is waifu, take the book from her bedroom nightstand)
- Drag the book on the desk to read it
- Go to forbidden forest and talk to stranger
- Go to the potions classroom during break and make stupefying potion:
- Set fire to high for 10 seconds
- Add Sneezewort flowers
- Add Lovage
- Set fire to low for 10 seconds
- Add scurvy grass flowers
- Stir once, clockwise
Putting the plan in motion:
- Discuss the plan with Sally
- Go to the potions class room during break and take the ingredients from the cupboard
- Summon girl (chosen with Minerva). Celebrate passed exam and add the potion to her drink.
- Go to the potions classroom and make 2nd stage of polyjuice potion
- Recipe:
- Add polyjuice potion base
- Add boomslang hide
- Add bicorn powder
- Set fire to medium for 20 seconds
- 1 wand wave
- Turn fire off for 138 seconds
- Add lacewing tincture
- Stir counterclockwise 3 times
- Add girl's curl
- 1 wand wave
- Go back to the office and drag the potion on Marcus
- talk to any 2 girls in any 3 faculties.
Sex education:
- Summon Susan and talk about her aunt Amelia. if Susan is waifu, talk to Amelia directly
- If Susan is waifu - Summon Snape and discuss the gift for Amelia
- Wait for package to arrive
- Click on the desk and write a letter to Amelia
- Wait for the letter to arrive to Amelia, and dicuss new lessons with her
- Discuss new lessons with Minerva and Helena
- Summon Helena and discuss the lessons one more time
- Ask Sally to spy on Helena's lesson on the nearest workday 11:00
- Summon Helena and discuss homework
- Wait 4 days and ask Sally to spy again
- Summon all 3 commissars and check their homework
- Wait 4 days again and ask Sally to spy for the last time
- Click on the desk and write a report to ministry
It's Halloween Time. Prologue:
- Summon Snape and discuss halloween
- In the dialogue with Sally choose "never"
- Summon the elf and ask about the letter
- Click on the desk and write a letter for the elf-maid
- Summon the elf, ask him to deliver the letter and wait for his return
- Go to Hagrid and ask him about the elves
- Click on the desk and write one more letter
- Once again summon the elf, ask him to deliver the letter and wait for his return
- Go to any 3 faculty towers and click on the pumpkins on the floor
- Drag and drop the pumpkin from inventory on the desk
It's Halloween Time:
- Wait for Susan's visit and talk to her
- Go tho the main corridor and talk to Violetta
- Summon susan and explain the plan
Forbidden pleasure:
Susan is fine
Susan is missing
- Advance "find a victim" and get an artifact from Minerva
- Discuss the artifact with the hat
- Summon Helena and ask what she knows
- Go to abandoned wing and talk to Filch
- Visit Hagrid and ask about azkaban
- Go to the front entrance and check Mundungus' paper on the noticeboard
- Wait for 22:00 and use apparition potion to go to the meeting at the front entrance
- Put an amulet on to check authenticity
- Advance "sex education"
- Summon Susan and ask about artifact
- Wait for the amulet to recharge and talk to Hermione/Luna
- Wait for recharge again and talk to Daphne/Hermione
- Summon Susan and demand confession
Chapter 2. Hidden in darkness... (old version)
Malfoy's ultimatum:
- Raise all the stats to 25
- Summon Snape and talk about Malfoy
- Talk to Sally about the photo
- Summon Helena and ask for another photo
- Go to Hagrid's hut and talk to Hagrid
- Sit down at the table and write a novel
- Give the novel to Hagrid
- Go to library and try to find something for Hagrid on the shelves
- Talk to Irma to write proper novel
- Go to Hagrid and give him the novel
Colin Creevey and his shady activities:
- Summon any prefect to talk about Colin
- Go to abandoned wing and talk to Colin
- Talk to Sally
- Ask Minerva, Snape, any prefect, and any portrait about Colin
- Summon Hermione or Luna and ask about Parvati
- Summon Bobby and buy a dress
- Send the dress to Parvati and wait for her visit
- Summon Colin and talk
- Wait for Parvati's visit
- Summon Colin
- Go to abandoned wing on the next day and give Colin the camera
Unforgettable night
- Wait for events to unfold
- Enter the code 401 to the lock
- Go to the office and take the wand from the desk
- Go to the bedroom, get dressed and untie the house elf
- Summon Snape and talk about recent events
- Wait for Snape's visit and disciss the situation
- Summon Snape and talk with hagrid
- Summon Snape again and talk with Arachnella in forbidden forest
- Wait a letter with a list of potion ingredients
- Summon Minerva to ask for help
- Go to forbidden forest and talk to a stranger to get the misletoe berries
- Go to the lake and follow Minerva's advice
- Go to the potions classroom and take the ingredients from the desk
- Click on the cauldron and brew the potion:
- Set the fire on maximum for 20 seconds
- Add Amortentia
- Wave the wand 3 times
- Add Misletoe berries
- Set the fire on low for 10 seconds
- Rotate counterclockwise 4 times
- Turn the fire off for 600 seconds
- Add mermaid tears
- Rotate clockwise 1 time
- Set the fire on medium for 60 seconds
- Add the blood
- 1 wand wave
- Choose your waifu:
- Summon 3 prefects and discuss recent events
- Go to all 4 dorms and interact with any 3 things in each of them
- Visit slytherim dorm at 19:00
- Summon Luna and ask about tentacles
- Go to the front entrance at night and click on the noticeboard and the gates
- Summon Daphne and ask if she feels better
- Summon Susan and try to take the chocker away
- Drinks for Susan:
- Something hot! Burning juice right down my throat! - Dragon's Blood Brew
- Something daring. Make my soul beg for mercy. Like obscene slaps coming from your office - Witch Slap
- Something obscene. Viscous passion lubricating my throat and down into my chest - Merlin's Milk
- Something wild, like a stallion on the prairie! Vicious as a stormy night! - Witch Gone Wild
- Something mind-blowing. An unexpected lighting splitting the calm sky, thousands of fireworks ravaging me! - Blogger Bomber
- Go to forbidden forest and give the items to Arachnella
- Visit front entrance at night to deal with Fletcher
- Wait for Amelia to talk about accusations
- Click on all students in both corridors on workday during break
- Go to the classroom to talk to Flitwick
- Click on Fletcher's paper on the noticeboard at the front entrance
- Go to the front entrance at night to talk with Fletcher
Giant's bane:
- Go to Hagrid's hut and click on the photos on the wall
- Summon Minerva and ask for help
- Summon any prefect for practise
- Go to Hagrid's hut and take the photos from the wall
Fixing the elder Wand, Part 2:
- Try to use apparition potion at night and fail
- Go to Filch and ask about one more portal
- Block Filch's door with a box
- Summon Hermione\Luna and dicuss the plan
- Click on the desk 4 times and write a letter
- Go to library and talk to Irma
- Click on the desk and write a letter to Filch
- Summon the prefect to put the plan in motion
- Click on all the bookshelves
- Click on green book on the right desk
- Click on the door to restricted section and on Irma's desk
Forbidden Pleasure:
- Ask Hat about strange artifact
- Talk to Helena about the artifact
- Summon the girl for Helena
Right tools for the job:
- Talk to Sally about Hagrid
- Go to abandoned wing and talk to Filch
- Use apparition potion at 22:00 and go to the front entrance to meet Harry
- Summon Ginny to ask about marauder's map
- Drag the map 2 times on the desk
Forbidden Pleasure:
- Ask Hat about strange artifact
- Talk to Helena about the artifact
- Summon the girl for Helena
St. Valentine's Day:
- Wait for a letter from Minerva and read it
- Click on the desk and write a letter to Hermione
- Wait for Hermione's visit
- Choose any dialogue options in any order
It's Christmas Time!:
- Summon Snape and talk about christmas
- Summon Hagrid and go to abandoned wing
- In dialogue with Hagrid choose "Ho Ho Ho"
- Summon 4 girls and give them the gifts
- Summon them again and ask what they think about gifts
It's Christmas time! Part 2:
- Talk to Sally about Hermione
- Summon Hermione and ask about Hagrid's stories
- Summon Hermione again and choose any options in the dialogue
- Summon Hermione for the last time for the training session*